Concordia University: PSAC-Quebec denounces CSN dishonesty

For several weeks now at Concordia University, the CSN has been conducting a smear and disinformation campaign directed towards the members of Teaching and Research Assistants at Concordia (PSAC-TRAC), represented by PSAC-Quebec. It has resulted in serious issues for our members who are left without local representation.

Using unfair labour practices, the CSN is intentionally misleading our members by contending that their local no longer exists. “This is completely false,” said Yvon Barrière, Regional Executive Vice-President of PSAC-Quebec. The executive resigned en masse on March 13, but the union continues to exist. Through its intimidation tactics, the CSN is leaving members in doubt about their rights, redress and grievances and the validity of their collective agreement. I can assure you that TRAC continues to exist from a financial and legal perspective.”

The situation has led to confusion and anxiety for certain members. Hundreds of employees have been misled into believing that they no longer have any recourse to resolve workplace issues. PSAC-Quebec insists that the CSN cease its anti-union actions that are hindering the representation and bargaining process for TRAC members. This will allow us to focus on negotiating a fair contract with the employer as quickly as possible for the betterment of our members.

We invite all TRAC members who have questions about the situation or their rights under the collective agreement or who wish to report the CSN’s actions to contact us as soon as possible by calling 514-875-7100 or emailing


A declaration by former executives members in support of TRAC


February GA Recap